We did display advertising for the Henry Ford Foundation on the Alma Media and Sanoma networks.
Lue lisääFor the Henry Ford Foundation, we did both press advertising and display advertising for Kauppalehti and Helsingin Sanomat, among others. The foundation's aim is to promote education and research in…
Lue lisääTerveysmaailma is a reliable Finnish partner for healthcare operators. They offer a service package called ParempiPalvelu (Better Service) for nursing beds and similar products, as a monthly subscription or one-time…
Lue lisääWe designed the new Produal Proxima® RTX room transmitter brochure 🇬🇧 in English and 🇫🇷 in French.
Lue lisääBrandit Advertising launched the website for Kansallinen Vaikuttavuuskeskus (the national center of effectivity) at: vaikuttavuuskeskus.fi Accessibility and updatability were prioritized during the design process. What does Vaikuttavuuskeskus do? Social and…
Lue lisääWe made social media pictures of Kappahl's offer on children's clothing.
Lue lisääWe made social media pictures of Kappahl's Club offer.
Lue lisääSuomen Terveysmaailma is a Finnish health company that manufactures, imports and markets health products. We redesigned the entire Terveysmaailma website to improve usability and informativeness. We updated not only all…
Lue lisääWe designed property maps for the service points, on which you can mark where to drop off and pick up your car. On the back of the card, there are…
Lue lisäähttps://www.maanrakennusjmh.fi We designed the brand new website of Maanrakennus JMH. Maanrakennus JMH specialises in earthworks, especially in Uusimaa, and related demolition work, house foundation work and e.g. drainage renovation. JMH…
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